Sunday, October 11, 2009

We're Moving!!

It's all exciting only because we are moving to Tuscaloosa, but it's a downgrade to what we are living in now. With the economy sucking like a vicious Hoover, it couldn't be helped, but the new place is a temporary one until we get back on our feet. Needless to say, we will have better opportunities in the big city. My thing is that I just hate moving, don't mind it just don't like doing it unless someone else is packing and unpacking all the crap, which you is when you then realize you have so much of until you gotta move it to somewhere else. UGH!!! Can't wait till it's over! ^_^

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tillas' first day of school!!!

He was so anxious to go back to school, but no more ready than I was. He got a little impatient waiting on the bus, but the week before school started, some how he knew it was getting close to time on going back because all week he would get up and want to get dressed and would also get his backpack, put a book or something in it, (a couple of times he packed his singing/talking/dancing Simba) then hung it on the back door where we always put it so we can just grab it on the way out in the mornings. Cute huh?! Jeez, you all have no idea how much I was looking forward to this day! He wore me out this summer!! LOL

First blog post!!

Well, at the moment I don't really know what to write about, but I think next I will be posting something about my youngest, who is autistic and quite the handful. He gets home from school in a few hours, which I need to start enjoying before that time is up. And maybe next about my future grandbaby, can't wait to have a baby in the house!!