Saturday, February 26, 2011

AMYRAH LEIGH COCHRAN has picked her birthday!!!

Yeah, she's a little early, but she made her debut February 24th, 2011 at 1:37 pm. She weighed in at 5 lbs., 14 oz and 17.5 inches long, smaller than her big brother when he was born but it's still a sweet little package.
Big brother Trey interacted a bit, but was not all that thrilled about her presence, anyway this is a cute first picture of them together. Awwwww!

 She's being a lil diva already with the hand across the chest. Watch out world, here comes Amyrah!!

All in all there were no complications during the delivery, so no issues and she and mom are both doing well.
We are so going to enjoy her just as much as we do Trey, can't believe I have grandchildren now!

Friday, February 4, 2011


I've had him all this week and just today he just started walking without holding on to anything and he's doing it all the time. One cute milestone wouldn't you say?!! The next one to accomplish is weaning him off the bottle.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Didn't go home to see my family on Christmas, so we went on my birthday for new years. I had an ok time, it wouldn't have been so bad had one particular person screw up everybody's mood just because he's a miserable old man who's alienating everyone around him. But anywho, not gonna post negatively, so all in all I did enjoy myself. Didn't do much for my birthday, as that was the day we left going to visit. Kicked with my two girls Tami and Melissa, gosh how I miss them.

I love my mom and I would go crazy if something happened to her. Spent some time with her Ty, Dell and the kids. I declare I have a dysfunctional family, but just the way we are; if we were any other way we would be boring. So not really a bad thing, just that we are a  very animated bunch. Just feels good to laugh with them.

(Well, some of them anyway)



Trey is a year old!

This post is a a day late, but our Lil Man turned 1 January 12, 2011. Hard to believe it's been a whole year already. He's getting so big, and so determined to walk and don't get me started about his talking. 
He's just so precious and we love him to pieces. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOOBOO!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Trey meets his daddy for the first time!!

Because Tyler lives in Tallahassee, he's never seen Trey until now. He also got to meet his only Auntie Torie, Tyler's younger sister and his G-Mama Adrain! It was inevitable that they would fall in love with him and he seemed to have enjoyed them too. With all of the oh's, ah's and awe's, he was the center of attention and he ate it up. Finally nice for him to meet his daddy and for his daddy to be able to hold and love him just as much as we do. It was a sweet reunion that deserves to be recognized!

                                                                         Trey and Tyler

                                                                     Trey and Torie

                                                           Trey with G-Mama Adrain

Monday, April 12, 2010

Trey is talking!

Well, fat daddy, one of the many nicknames I have for him, is talking up a storm these days. Or cooing is the technical term for this baby babble. He's getting so big and he gets cuter every day. Just turned 3 months and he chunky as he can be. Can't say he isn't getting fed!
Well, here's more sugar shock coming at ya!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Treyton Has Entered the Building!!

Yes, he's finally here, the new little bundle of joy!!! And he is as cute as he can be. Born January 12, 2010 at 7:10 pm. Treyton Lamar Stowe is 7 lbs and 4 oz. of pure deliciousness!! He is also 20 inches long with his head and chest both measuring 13 inches.
He is bigger than we expected him to be. He's healthy and there were no complications during the 5 hours of labor and delivery. Mommy is fine and healing well.

My first grandchild and he is already spoiled, can't wait to get him home!!

Here's his first video. Be prepared to go into sugar shock cuz he's sooo sweet!!